Sunday, September 08, 2024
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Washington State Major Baseball Tournament Teams

The 2023 Washington State Major Baseball Tournament teams hail from

District 1 – Mill Creek Little League
District 2 – North Kitsap Little League
District 3 – Larch Mountain Little League
District 4 – Camas Little League
District 5 – Walla Walla Pacific Little League
District 6 – Salmon Creek Little League
District 7 – West Seattle Little League
District 8 – Northeast Seattle Little League - Champions
District 9 – Issaquah Little League
District 10 – South Hill Little League
District 11 – South Whidbey Little League
District 12 – West Valley Little League
District 13 – Liberty Lake Spokane Valley Little League

As team information is known it will be added here. Please check back.


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