Sunday, March 09, 2025
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Washington State Concussion Law

Coaching and Parenting Young Athletes

Frank Smoll, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of Washington. His research focuses on coaching behaviors in youth sports and on the psychological effects of competition on children and adolescents. He has published more than 130 scientific articles and book chapters, and he is co-author of 22 books and manuals on children's athletics. Professor Smoll is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the National Academy of Kinesiology, and the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). He is an AASP Certified Consultant and was the recipient of AASP's Distinguished Professional Practice Award. Dr. Smoll has conducted more than 550 coaching clinics and workshops for parents of young athletes.

In April, the editor of Psychology Today (an online magazine) invited Dr. Smoll to contribute blogs about youth sports. Since then six blogs have been posted in his section titled "Coaching and Parenting Young Athletes."  The good news is there's no charge/fee for accessing the blogs. To check-out the current postings, go to

So, what's next? He plans to post new blogs every 3-4 weeks. Future topics will include promoting fun in sports, parental behavior at practices and games, anger management techniques, evaluating coaches, counseling kids about quitting, teaching mental toughness, playing sports and academic achievement, combating eating disorders, etc.

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