Monday, October 28, 2024
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Washington State Major Girls Softball Tournament

2019 WA State Major Softball Champions

The 2019 Washington State Major Softball Tournament Champions are
Washington District 1
Mill Creek Little League, Mill Creek
President - Tina Ryan
District Administrator - Ed Lundberg

The team now heads to San Bernardino California to represent the State of Washington in the West Region tournament. We wish them well. They are a strong team and will represent our state well.


Manager: Larri Werner, Coaches: Rod Westman & Aidan Bale

Players: Addi Bale, Kyla Conant, Elena Eigner, Cael Hare, Kiana Holden, Leneyah Mitchell, Aubree Orr, Gabby Raysbrook, Yanina Sherwood, Allie Thomsen, Emery Tulio, Reese Westman, Kendal Westman

2019 WA State Major Softball

2019 WA State Mjr SB

This year Washington District 2 will host the Washington State Major Softball tournament. This is an exciting event for both participants and fans. The tournament will be held at North Kitsap American & National Little Leagues Snider Park complex from June 29th through July 7th.

This is a wonderful opportunity to come out and watch some great Softball. Admission is free. Cheering is required.

2019 WA State Mjr Softball Look here for the latest game scores and updates.

To see all of the Major League State teams click this

For information on all the State tournaments go to

Manager/Coach Meeting - Saturday June 29th

Managers and coaches plan to attend the mandatory meeting on Saturday June 29th at 8:00am. The meeting will be held at the tournament site in Poulsbo.

Opening Ceremony - Saturday June 29th

All teams are encouraged to attend an opening ceremony on Saturday June 29th at 10:00am. This will be held at the tournament site in Poulsbo.

2019 Washington State Major Softball Tournament Information Packet

Washington District 2 is hosting the 2019 Washington State Major Softball Tournament in Poulsbo, Washington June 29th through July 7th.

Housing will not be provided by District 2 so your team members will need to procure their own housing. There are several more hotels in the immediate Poulsbo area. More information regarding housing options is included in the attached packet.

There are several attachments with essential information.

Letter to State Major Softball Mgr Welcome letter to the team manager.

WA State Major Softball Tournament Guidelines Tournament guidelines with hotel information.

Tournament Team Playing Roster doc Tournament Team Playing Roster pdf Game Roster two copies required prior to each game.

2019 WA State Major Softball Schedule Current game schedule.


2019 WA State Major Softball Schedule

2019 WA State Major Softball Schedule Current game schedule.