Monday, March 31, 2025
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Washington State Junior Girls Softball Tournament

2018 WA State Junior Softball Champions

The 2018 Washington State Junior Softball Tournament Champions are
Washington District 9
Eastlake Little League, Sammamish
President - Stephen Jesse
District Administrator - Bob Toigo

The team now heads to Tucson Arizona to represent the State of Washington in the West Region tournament. We wish them well. They are a strong team and will represent our state well.


Manager Don Hines, Coaches Jeff Austin & Mary Upton

Players: Ava Afonso, Camden Austin, Mya Cardwell, Leah Cupp, Ava Grossi, Leslie Hines, Evelyn Hollomon, Abby McNear, Claire Murawski, Amelia Roberts, Zoe Spraetz, Allie Upton, Kelsie Williams

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