Friday, March 14, 2025
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Western Region Big League Baseball Tournament

2014 Western Region Big League Baseball


Washington District 2 Little League has once again been selected to host one of the premier events of the Little League tournament season. This is the seventh consecutive year that we have been selected to host the Big League Baseball Western Region tournament. The tournament will be held at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds and Events Center baseball complex from July 14th through July 19th.

The Big League Baseball program is for youth age 15 to 18. The Western Region tournament brings in teams from Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, Northern California, Southern California, and Arizona.  Montana was unable to join us this year.

This is a wonderful opportunity to come out and watch some great baseball.  Admission is free. Cheering is required.

Click HERE for more information.

2014 WR Big League Baseball Schedule Look here for the latest game scores and updates

To see all of the Big League Regional teams click this

For all of the Regional and World Series schedules and information for all divisions go to

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