Friday, March 28, 2025
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Washington State 8-10 Baseball Tournament

2019 WA State 8-10 Baseball

2019 WA State 8-10 BB

This year Washington District 2 will host the Washington State 8-10 Baseball tournament. This is an exciting event for both participants and fans. The tournament will be held at Gig Harbor American & National Little Leagues complex from July 6th through July 15th.

This is a wonderful opportunity to come out and watch some great baseball. Admission is free. Cheering is required.

2019 WA State 8-10 Baseball Look here for the latest game scores and updates.


Games originally scheduled for Wednesday July 10th have been rained out. They will now be played on Thursday July 11th. The game schedule has been adjusted. Please see the latest schedule.

To see all of the 8-10 League State teams click this

For information on all the State tournaments go to

Manager/Coach Meeting - Saturday July 6th

Managers and coaches plan to attend the mandatory meeting on Saturday July 6th at 8:00am. The meeting will be held at Peninsula High School Cafeteria/Commons, 14105 Purdy Drive NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332

Opening Ceremony - Saturday July 6th

All teams are encouraged to attend an opening ceremony on Saturday July 6th at 10:00am. This will be held at Peninsula High School Roy Anderson Stadium, 14105 Purdy Drive NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332

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