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Washington State 10-11 Baseball Tournament

2013 WA State 10-11 Baseball


This year Washington District 2 will host the Washington State 10-11 Baseball tournament. This is an exciting event for both participants and fans. The tournament will be held at Gig Harbor complex from July 20th through July 30th.

This is a wonderful opportunity to come out and watch some great baseball.  Admission is free. Cheering is required.

Click HERE for more information.

To see all of the Washington State 10-11 Baseball teams click this

icon 2013 WA State 10-11 Baseball Game Schedule Look here for the latest game scores and updates


Tacoma Rainiers - Tuesday July 23

We have finalized arrangements with the Tacoma Rainiers for the teams and families to participate in a special game on Tuesday July 23rd vs. the Tucson Padres. This is an 11:30am start time. We have arranged for a special package that includes admission and a meal for only $12.50. The 10-11 Baseball tournament will be featured on the big screen and we will be able to send one of our tournament players down to throw out the first pitch. The Tacoma players are great with the kids and we are sure that the whole family will enjoy this outing. Ticket purchase information will be available at the Manager's meeting on July 19th. Please plan to make this a fun day for the whole family.

Welcoming Barbeque - Friday July 19

On Friday July 19th we would like to say hello to the teams and families at a barbeque. The meals for the team players and coaching staff are on us and the family members are welcome for a nominal charge. We will have a few informal comments and welcome at 6:00pm followed immediately with the barbeque. The players are encouraged to wear their uniforms.
The barbeque will NOT be held at the game field but rather at Sehmel Homestead Park, 10123 78th Avenue NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98332. The park area will be marked to make it easy to find. Please join us for a fun get together prior to the big event starting the next day.
Note that rather than an opening ceremony on Saturday we are having this barbeque on Friday. While we encourage all teams to attend we recognize that some may not be with us on Saturday. So this is an opportunity to get together in a family event prior to all the action.

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