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Washington State Major Baseball Tournament

2009 Major League Baseball Champions

The 2009 Washington State Major League Baseball Tournament Champions are
District 9 – Mercer Island

In a great rematch of the semifinal game teams, District 9 Mercer Island prevailed over District 12 Pasco National. The first time these two teams met it took 8 innings to decide the winner. In the championship game it took 7 innings. In the end, it was Mercer Island on top by a score of 3 to 2.

This was a real pitching duel through four scoreless innings. Pasco National was first on the board with 2 runs in the top of the 5th inning. Mercer Island was blanked in the bottom of the 5th but tied the game in the bottom of the 6th on a 2 run home run by Keegan Ogard. Mercer Island held Pasco scoreless in the top of the 7th. In the bottom of the 7th Mercer Island had runners on 1st and 2nd when Sam Pugel hit a single to right center field which scored the runner from 2nd to win the game.


District 9
Mercer Island Little League, Mercer Island, WA
District Administrator Bob Toigo
President Don Costa

Manager Steve Stenberg, Coach Brock Mansfield
#23 Nick Taylor, #4 Brandon Lawler, #3 Anthony Scalzo, #33 David Emanuels, #5 Josh Stenberg, #2 William Mansfield, #7 Michael Bantle, #21 Sam Pugel, #36 Keegan Ogard, #11 Aidan Plummer, #13 Max Hibbert


District 12
Pasco National Little League, Pasco, WA
District Administrator David Braich
President Jeff McElroy

Manager Roger Ingram, Coach Darren Coonrad
#44 Tony Beck, #7 Spencer Bennion, #13 Austen Clarke, #20 Dillon Coonrad, #17 Jess Hawk, #22 Roger Ingram Jr., #55 Paden Kottwitz, #24 Joshua Kutzke, #38 Dwight Norwood, #3 Ethan Olsen, #34 Justus Scott, #25 Dylan Wilbert

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