2016 Washington State Senior Baseball Tournament

2016 WA State Senior Baseball Champions

The 2016 Washington State Senior Baseball Tournament Champions are
Washington District 8
North Central & Ballard Little Leagues

The North Seattle / Ballard team worked their way through the tournament winning their first two games. Then they lost a close game to a very good team from District 4 Evergreen Little League who they then had to defeat twice in the championship games. The team now heads to Sacramento California to represent the State of Washington in the West Region tournament. We wish them well. They are a strong team and will represent our state well.

Washington District 8
North Central & Ballard Little Leagues
District Administrator - Gil Nilson


Manager: Chris Complita, Coaches: Jeff Williamson & Zack Complita

Players: Dylan Chin, Aimon Hefferernan, Ethan Cantrell, David Bremgartner, Aidan Kennedy, Donnell Lee, Kincaid Feldman, William Austin, Max Liebert, Max Complita, Monta Boston, Quinn Williamson

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