Western Region Big League Baseball Tournament

2012 Western Region Big League Baseball Champions

The 2012 Western Region Big League Baseball Tournament Champions are
Southern California – District 46, Anaheim

In a great match between two very good teams Southern California prevailed over Hawaii by a score of 3 to 1 in 8 innings. California District 46 now moves on to the World Series in Easley South Carolina.

Great game between two very good teams. Both teams (in fact all of the teams at the tournament) were composed of young men who showed respect for each other and the efforts displayed in the games. We would have been proud to send any of the teams to Easley to represent the West.

Today two great baseball teams met and the California District 46 team came out on top. We are confident that they will show the rest of the World Series participants that in the West we play hard, play fair, and respect the opponent on and off of the field.

Best of luck to the young men from Southern California, District 46, Anaheim.

Southern California District 46
Anaheim, California
District Administrator - Denis Peck
Big League Director - Louis Anderson
California District 46
Manager James Valverde Coaches Elton Errington & Amin David
Players: A J David, Austin Blanke, Joseph Gandara, Ryan Hartman, Stratton Kim, Joshua Langarcia, Jonah Lopez, Christian Prado, Chad Rebensdorf, Joesph Rivera, Clint Salisbury, Lucas Sardo, Manuel Segura, Russell Terry, Javier Ureno, Adrian Uriate, Jacob Valdez

Hawaii District 6
Kawaihau Little League, Kapaa, Hawaii
District Administrator - Robert Kawamoto
Manager Phillip Kamakea, Coaches Bryan Aiwohi, & Stephen Perreira
Players: #10 Bronson Aiwohi, #22 Erin Doi, #2 Alika Emayo, #24 Brock Ephan, #14 Kalen Iwai, #6 Jordan Kamakea, #11 Rashaan Kahaulua, #20 Stephen Perreira Iii, #5 Mikeo Rita, #15 Mikey Rita, #3 Chyson Soares, #12 Travis Soares, #25 Bryson Tacata

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