Washington District 2 Tournaments

2010 10-11 Baseball Champions


10-11 Baseball
Bainbridge Island Little League
Bainbridge Island
2nd Place in Washington State
Bainbridge Island
Manager Troy Niehaus, Coaches Jeff Jacobson & Steve Mikami
Thomas Crowley, Rory Cunningham, Riley Dunn, Evan Ferguson, Jeffrey Jacobson, Warren King, Jason Kozlosky, Cameron Mikami, John Michael Najarian, Jack Niehaus, Colin O'Keefe, Matthew Spence, Brooks Wallace

District Champions Bainbridge Island finished 2nd place in the State tournament. They advanced through the District tournament and all the way to the State Championship game without losing.

In the end, the state winner was Asotin County (District 5). The Bainbridge team faced them three times before it was all finished. Bainbridge Island knocked Asotin County into the losers bracket in the Semi-final game. Asotin County then won the right to a rematch in the Championship.

In the 1st Championship game Bainbridge Island lost 8-9. Asotin County built a 9-0 lead over 4 1/2 innings before Bainbridge Island scored 5 runs in the bottom of the 5th and 3 more in the bottom of the sixth. They had the tying run on third and the winning run on first, when the last out was recorded.

The next day they lost the 2nd Championship game 3-6. Asotin County jumped out to an an early lead highlighted by a lead-off home run in the bottom of the first inning. Trailing 4-0, Bainbridge rallied to trail by one run in the top of the fourth, but stranded the tying run on third base. Asotin County added insurance runs in the 4th and 5th innings.

The team represented District 2 very well and almost brought home the State title! Congratulations to the whole team.

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